
These days many people choose a faith different from that of their parents.  Growing numbers are embracing Islam but also more Muslims than ever before in history are choosing to follow Jesus Christ.  These new followers of Christ face the task of finding a new identity, a new community and a new lifestyle.  They need help to grow in Christian discipleship.

This poses a big challenge.  Who will care for these thousands of new believers?  Who will open their hearts and homes to them?  Will they find a new ‘family’ in Christ’s community if they are rejected by their own families?  How will they be trained in God’s word and equipped to impact their communities for the gospel?

With the growing movement of believers of Muslim background (BMBs), this site aims to make a contribution in three areas:


First is the area of pastoral care and discipleship.  For example, how can BMBs best be supported to find their place in Christ’s community without losing contact with their Muslim community?  When and how can they tell their families about their new faith in Christ?  What does a Christ-centered lifestyle look like in place of Islam’s ordered framework?  These are urgent questions, and many in the established churches are not yet equipped to address them.

Secondly, there is a great need for maturing believers to be equipped for ministry and to equip others.  May BMBs equip BMBs both in their own cultural contexts and in fellowship with the global body of Christ. This website will provide a space for practitioners to share information about new training materials in different countries, and to collaborate on new initiatives.  Whole courses or summary descriptions may be uploaded, or links may be given to other sites.

Thirdly, as a growing stream in the world Christian movement, believers of Muslim background have much to teach the worldwide church.  They contribute fresh insights to biblically-grounded theology, and their voice must be heard.  This website will provide one opportunity (amongst others) to hear this voice.

This website exists to connect Christ’s followers of all backgrounds to work together in these three overlapping areas.  The site will not focus on the ‘insider movements’ debate for which other channels already exist (a great resource for this dialogue is the Bridging the Divide network).


Who owns this Website?

The content is guided by a steering group of Christians drawn from different organisations and ethnicities, including some of Muslim background.  We uphold the Nicene Creed and the World Evangelical Alliance statement of faith. The site is presently under the overall umbrella of Interserve.


How to use this Site

Please see our introductory blog and the ‘Resources’ section.  So far, information is listed about the Come Follow Me discipleship course and one on Christian family life, both written specifically for believers of Muslim background.  Much more information will be included in the months ahead.


We Would Love Your Input

We want this website to host an ongoing forum for discipling BMBs.  Do you have experience in BMB discipleship?  Have you written Bible studies for BMBs?  Do you have any stories you can share?  Please feel free to send them our way at info@bmbtraining.org.

Jacob and Tim



For more information, watch the video in which Tim introduces bmbtraining.org 

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